A Developmental Workbook


When you look in the mirror who or what do you see? 

Do you recognise the person you see there or are you someone who finds it difficult to accept the face looking back at you with love and appreciation?

Are you someone who prefers to criticise yourself for even the smallest blemish? 

Someone close to me once asked, when would I show them who I really was, not who I thought they wanted to see.   

Little did I know that this one comment was to start a journey of self-discovery that became a massive catalyst for personal change and growth. That journey has now led me to write a developmental workbook about the process!

Masqueraid looks at the practice of ‘masking’. This is something people do to change or ‘mask’ their natural self usually in response to social pressure, abuse or other form of harassment.   

In the book, I share a little of my own experience of masking. I explore ways to help you recognise your own unhelpful behaviour patterns and identify any sticking points.  Finally moving to help you feel more comfortable about planning and making conscious changes to your ‘face’. 

I have used the analogy of the beautiful Venetian Carnival to illustrate the type of masks we wear and guide you through exercises to help you reveal your authentic self.

Masqueraid is available now.


Book jacket of Masqueraid, A developmental workbook

AUTHOR: Annie Raven-Vause

ISBN: 978-1-9161088-0-6

PRICE: £14.99 (+ £3.00 Postage + Packing to UK mainland)

Venetian canal
Bridge in Venice
figure in carnival mask

“When will you show me who you really are?”